السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


Mouse Temple

The temple is situated in the hamlet Dinuk tukus Temon Village, District Trowulan, Mojokerto regency, East Java. This temple sized X28 29.5, overall height 25 meters and 5.2 meters. Rat temple name is taken from historical discovery when it was first discovered there was found a lot of mice, rats and pests are attacking villages in the surrounding farms. First discovered in 1914 and then carried out the restoration in 1983-1986.
According to some sources say that the temple is a replica or symbol Rat Mahameru. Rat Temple This temple is called for, when found in a place that prey on rats nest of rice farmers In the middle are the Rat Temple miniature four small temples are considered to represent Mount Mahameru dwelling place of the gods and the source of all life in the form of water flowing from pancuran-pancuran/jaladwara found along the foot of the temple. Water is regarded as holy water AMRTA, that is the source of all life. 

           Architectural building symbolizes the sanctity of Mount Mahameru as bersemayamnya place of the gods. According to Hindu belief, Mount Mahameru is where the water source Tirta Amrita or water of life, which is believed to have magical powers and can provide well-being, from the myth of water flowing in the Rat Temple Mount considered to originate from Mahameru. Mount Meru is a sacred mountain that is considered as the center of the universe that has a foundation of trust cosmogony would be the existence of a harmony between the world of the world (microcosm) and the universe (macrocosm). According to the Hindu conception, the universe consists of a continent called Jambudwipa center surrounded by seven seas and seven mainland and are all limited by a high mountain. So Very probably the Rat Temple is a sacred petirtaan by Hindus and Buddhists, and also as a regulator of the water discharge at the time of Majapahit.
Title : Mouse Temple
Description : The temple is situated in the hamlet Dinuk tukus Temon Village, District Trowulan, Mojokerto regency, East Java. This temple sized X28 29.5,...

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